Posted on July 20, 2023
Towards supporting the Fair Futures for Youth in Prevention Aftercare program which seeks to enhance NAC’s capacity to address key determinants of health and well-being including academic, career, and social-emotional support, for an extremely vulnerable population – children and youth in Prevention in the NYC child welfare system with medical complexity and/or mental health challenges, at-risk of abuse or neglect. The program will serve 50 youths aged 13 – 26 each year for the 2-year pilot program. For middle school aged students, the focus will be on academic enrichment services, tutoring, and social-emotional support. For youths aged 16+, the program will include 1:1 coaching, with a focus on strategies and services to achieve career, educational, and housing goals. Fair Futures is currently funded by the NYC Administration for Children’s Services (“ACS”) and only serves youths aged 13 – 26 in foster care. The goal of the pilot is for Fair Futures for Youth in Prevention to become a city-wide, ACS funded program. NAC provides comprehensive medical, mental health, education, and social services for children who have severe physical disabilities, emotional and behavioral challenges, developmental disabilities, and/or chronic illnesses, and NAC supports their families as well.