Posted on July 20, 2023
For the ongoing support and expansion of their Jumpstart: Foundations to Early Reading Success program to reach approximately 600 struggling readers citywide. Jumpstart focuses squarely upon Phonics, Phonemic and Phonological Awareness, and upon other critical foundational literacy skills to better address the most challenging literacy issues for children in Kindergarten and first grades. Teaching these skills is often the largest barrier for teachers to overcome to get students reading on grade level. Jumpstart – a standalone, targeted approach –provides professional support for teachers seeking to improve the reading outcomes of students having the hardest time keeping up with their peers through professional learning cycles that include data analysis, demonstration lessons, coaching, lesson planning, and student progress monitoring. Teaching Matters works to increase teacher effectiveness, one of the most critical factors regarding student success, by transforming how educators work together at urban public schools, helping the most effective teachers to develop the necessary skills by which to then lead their peers and drive school-wide improvement.